The Seed Plan — Remaining Installments

The Seed Plan — Remaining Installments

$250.00 every month for 10 months

For my lovely Instagram community, this is the new plan for you to transition over to as we resolve this Squarespace glitch.

The Seed Plan you purchased is a 12-part payment plan and since there have already been two discounted installments, you are being gifted the $400 discount as gratitude for your patience with this inconvenience.

Once you sign up for this new plan, it will pick back up with the remaining 10 installments. There is nothing else you will need to do on your end. Your membership with the Slow Branding Sessions will resume and you’ll get to enjoy lifetime access to the program, including new content and features over the coming years. 🎉

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Usage Agreement:

When you purchase the Slow Branding Sessions, the photographs and designs you receive are yours to use on your website, social media channels, newsletter, courses, workbooks, etc. You have my permission to add photo filters, crop, collage, rotate, and/or resize the images. You may NOT, however, resell any form of the images you receive, or distribute them to clients or friends who have not paid for the Slow Branding Sessions. You also agree not to use this purchase to promote as your own styling related workshops, webinars, classes, how-to blog posts or newsletters, or any brand or photo styling related training.